Every year in collaboration with the Physical Education teacher, our primary 5 students take part in an Olympic Games activity. This year, on Thursday 13th June, we held a new, improved version of the Games called, “Summer Olympics-Survivor edition”. The events, which were tug-of-war, long jump, 50-metre swimming race, and relay race took place at the beautiful Haraki Beach -both on the sand and in the water.
Επιμέλεια: Ζωή Φιλιππίδη, Έφη Ασβεστά, Εύα Μορφιάδου, Καθηγήτριες Αγγλικών
With the idea of Survivor in mind, the students were divided into the Blue Team and the Red Team. The challenges were both fun and refreshing.
Upon completing the challenges, the students completed a worksheet in groups about the history of the Olympic games. In addition, they used their imagination to create and describe a sport that they’d like to see in the Olympics in the future.
In the end, everyone was awarded a medal for their participation in the Olympics. It was a great way to end our school year and have fun in the sun.